Comments on: A peek at the next version of clock http://localhost/blog/2006/03/27/a-peek-at-the-next-version-of-clock/ Thu, 21 Nov 2013 21:47:55 +0000 hourly 1 By: Florian http://localhost/blog/2006/03/27/a-peek-at-the-next-version-of-clock/comment-page-1/#comment-1468 Mon, 29 Jan 2007 03:53:01 +0000 Hi,
I found your blog via google by accident and have to admit that youve a really interesting blog 🙂
Just saved your feed in my reader, have a nice day 🙂

By: glJakaL http://localhost/blog/2006/03/27/a-peek-at-the-next-version-of-clock/comment-page-1/#comment-984 Mon, 04 Dec 2006 08:36:53 +0000 Matt: In order to create a custom skin for clock, just paint a new skin in your favorite image editing program (the Gimp, Photoshop, Paint shop Pro…) and save it as a .bmp or .jpg file. Then, on clock’s menu, choose style->custom…
A new window will open where you can specify the background image and the hands width and color.
The teal clock above is coming in the next “stable” version, along with many other styles!

By: glJakaL http://localhost/blog/2006/03/27/a-peek-at-the-next-version-of-clock/comment-page-1/#comment-983 Mon, 04 Dec 2006 08:26:32 +0000 Kevin: in order to make an alarm persistent, just choose “show this alarm -> every day” in the alarm setup window

By: Matt http://localhost/blog/2006/03/27/a-peek-at-the-next-version-of-clock/comment-page-1/#comment-981 Sat, 02 Dec 2006 23:50:14 +0000 p.s. I really do very very much like the blue teal clock above “clock! 2.5”. Any chance we can get that style added? Thanks. Matt

By: Matt http://localhost/blog/2006/03/27/a-peek-at-the-next-version-of-clock/comment-page-1/#comment-980 Sat, 02 Dec 2006 23:48:03 +0000 Hi.
I really like your clock program especially the aliased clocks. This new transparency is neat however, personally, I don’t like clocks with upside down 6 which then looks like a 9 and the 4 and 8 upside down as well. I notice you cannot customize the clock in this sneak peek version, is that right? I’m kinda confused about what the calendar is all about so will just ignore it. Was wondering, is it possible to create one’s own clock face that one really likes and just add it to file list and the program will use it? Don’t like the shiny spot in the classic clock or the reflections on some of the other clocks maybe we can have a reflection option button to add them to the clock or leave them out? Sorry if I sound critical – don’t mean to, I really do think your clock program is the best one I’ve run across so far. Thank you for putting it out there.


By: kevin http://localhost/blog/2006/03/27/a-peek-at-the-next-version-of-clock/comment-page-1/#comment-976 Fri, 01 Dec 2006 22:02:54 +0000 Hi!
This clock is a really neat program.

Is there a way I can make the alarms persistent? Seems like they disappear when the pgm exits. My sys admin won’t allow me to schedule jobs via the task scheduler on Win2K. Thanx again for the gr8 work. KC

By: bh http://localhost/blog/2006/03/27/a-peek-at-the-next-version-of-clock/comment-page-1/#comment-425 Sat, 10 Jun 2006 02:52:24 +0000 Thanks for freeware, glJakal, but I think you should consider the following:

1. Have you ever thought of playing MP3 files ? I mean, its a nice lil tool, but I for one will not use it, for this reason alone. I dont want to waste my disk space and my time converting MP3 to WAV…

2. Why not make the clock _really_ transparent ? There are 2 ways for that: either alpha blending (XP-NT is everywhere now…), or transparent color (don’t mess with regions, just single transparent color is fine, the same as for borderless clock).

3. A digital display ‘skin’ would be much appreciated. It would occupy less than a third of the space of even the Tiny round skin, and for some people it’s much faster & easier to read the time.

I believe such things are more important than fancy CPU-consuming antialiasing…

By: glJakaL http://localhost/blog/2006/03/27/a-peek-at-the-next-version-of-clock/comment-page-1/#comment-189 Thu, 11 May 2006 07:53:43 +0000 Kob: Antialiasing is already on my to-do list 🙂
about your points:
1. Have you tried the “on bottom” feature? It sends Clock! behind every other window.
2. Have you tried using the left/right keys?
3. True. But, like in most software, one has to trade memory for speed… I think that taking 10 megs (at max) is better than constantly taking 10% of the CPU power.

By: Kob http://localhost/blog/2006/03/27/a-peek-at-the-next-version-of-clock/comment-page-1/#comment-175 Mon, 08 May 2006 09:20:39 +0000 This is a nifty little thing I just downloaded. Thanks.
Although I am perfectly satisfied with clean, traditional look of the “watch-small” style, anti-aliasing would be nice to have.

Three comments if I may (could not find a “suggestion box”):
1. I miss a “minimize to tray” menu item
2. Will help if one could move between the HH to MM in the “Time” field with the Tab key – relieving the need to go to the mouse when setting the time with the keyboard.
2. Memory footprint of 10MB is a bit on the heavy side.

By: glJakaL http://localhost/blog/2006/03/27/a-peek-at-the-next-version-of-clock/comment-page-1/#comment-166 Fri, 05 May 2006 16:53:27 +0000 John: yes, the transparency feature will still work, hopefully without the bug you just mentioned 🙂
