Comments on: New software: gljakal’s WAYD http://localhost/blog/2009/11/29/new-software-gljakals-wayd/ Thu, 21 Nov 2013 21:47:55 +0000 hourly 1 By: Nicole Mikloiche http://localhost/blog/2009/11/29/new-software-gljakals-wayd/comment-page-1/#comment-40052 Mon, 06 Aug 2012 17:31:17 +0000 Hello and thank you very much for this brilliant little app! You have in many ways saved me such headache and heartache when trying to track my time for work. I am going to share this app with other members of my team & also with my ADHD support group. Its exactly what I need without giving me too many options and bells and whistles to distract me from its purpose. Its just brilliant! I have 2 questions that I will post here, but will also send via support email. (1) I opened Activity Log and clicked the CSV (export) option, but nothing happened. Can you advise? I do have excel and am using Windows 7 (64 bit) (2) Is there a way to suppress the ‘program tracking’ option? I really don’t need that level of detail, so I’d prefer to shut that off. If not, is there a way to delete/clear that information without deleting the activity info? Thank you sooo much! I’m going to send a donation to you. I also use the To-Do List. Again – brilliant!!! Do you have any plans on integrating your To-Do, with your WAYD and maybe even with Clock? Beggars can’t be choosers but I thought I would ask! <3 – Nicole

By: lee http://localhost/blog/2009/11/29/new-software-gljakals-wayd/comment-page-1/#comment-40005 Sat, 25 Feb 2012 17:48:12 +0000 Does this have the ability to link with facebook/twitter?

If not would you mind writing that in?

If not, would you want to release the source?

If not, WHY?! 🙁
